

Volleyball tournament at Klub Online, Karviná!

Our volunteer Lucía is hepling children at risk. The afternoon club is filled with various activities that are related to seasons! For instance, they decorate the club with autumn items, carve pumpkins, or, when the weather is nice, they organize a volleyball tournament with other volunteers! Let´s read about this! 😊

"VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT 7 OCTOBER: On Monday we played volleyball, clients and volunteers. The workers also participated. At the beginning we were playing volleyball, then the clients taught us a different game: playing volleyball but without using our hands. Later, we proposed another game: "Cemetery". Almost all of us knew the game, but each one with different rules, so we made a mix. It was a lot of fun! Also, I think the result was positive, as we expected less participation from the clients." (Petra Němcová, supervisor & Lucía from Spain)