Ahoj, dear readers. I am Bulut, I am from Turkey,and I am a volunteer with interVIA. I'm here again to tell you about my volunteering journey.
There's so much I want to share that I can't decide where to start 😊. This month, two German friends came to visit the school where I volunteer to observe our daily routines. While they were observing, I could see the same expressions on their faces that I had in my early days. They were as excited and motivated as I was. My supervisor Honza and I told them about the activities at our school and got them involved. I'm sure they made many observations from our daily activities. Another day, they gave a presentation about Germany and I gave a presentation about Turkey. This way, our colleagues and students gained knowledge about different countries.
One of the most enjoyable and instructive parts of our volunteering process is undoubtedly the seminars. I'm sure my fellow volunteers will agree when they read this. It was our turn at the seminar organized by National Agency. Along with my flatmates, we set off for Prague. This would be our second seminar, and we knew that we would learn something new, meet new people, and have fun again. We spent a week with other volunteers scattered all over the Czech Republic and had a great time. I'm sure we'll meet them again and have fun.
Now, let me talk more about myself 😊. I must mention that I've made progress in Czech lessons with my supervisor. I'm trying to teach math to two students, and to do this successfully, I need to improve my Czech. So, I learn many new things every week, and I am very happy as I learn because it helps me communicate better with colleagues, students, and the local community, making me feel more confident and part of the community.
I never neglect to sit at the piano on our working days. I believe I have improved. I play the music I learn every day for the students, and they are very happy listening to it, which in turn makes me happy. Two of my new instrument goals are the saxophone and clarinet, and thanks to my supervisor, I have the chance to learn these instruments. I thank my supervisor for giving me this opportunity.
Speaking of our daily work life, I must mention our weekend activities. About four weeks ago, I visited Vienna and Bratislava with my friends. Last week, I was in Warsaw. Traveling to different countries with my friends makes those moments unforgettable for me. On weekends, we either go to a new country or visit each other's cities. This month, we celebrated the birthdays of two friends, Rika and Stella. We organized a birthday party and gathered on special occasions to create new memories. We love you, happy birthday again 😊.
To make ourselves more active in the volunteering process, we need to plan mini projects. After thinking for a long time, I came up with a mini project idea. I'm going to perform a puppet show for the students. I'll prepare a puppet play script consisting of our daily routines, and I'm thinking of preparing the script in Czech. I know that preparing both the puppets and the stage as well as the script will take a considerable amount of time, but I want to take it slow and prepare my project in the best way possible. In the next article, maybe I will have implemented my project, and if not, I will tell you about my process. Stay tuned 😊.